Dominion Energy Gas Plans
Dominion Energy, our privately owned monopoly utility in the Lowcountry, is trying to expand fossil fuel usage by constructing a new Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) plant located on the banks of the Edisto River in Colleton County.
There has been legislation introduced in the SC Senate and House that would streamline the ability of Dominion and other utilities to proceed with these megaprojects without proper oversight or vetting. Last session the House passed bill H.5118, which moved Dominion toward being able to fulfill their goal of starting this megaproject. Luckily, and thanks to much pressure for the public, it stalled in the Senate.
Potential Impacts
100+ miles of new pipeline put communities and ecosystems at risk; from a massive gas plant on the banks of the pristine Edisto River, to pollution and emissions that taint our air, this plant spells bad news for our local ecosystems.
From its nature to its price, natural gas is marked by its volatility. In the last year and a half alone, utility prices for Dominion customers have gone up 18%, largely due to reliance on fossil fuels. And, no matter the market price of gas, Dominion can pass 100% of costs onto the customers, meaning they have no skin in the game.
Gas plant infrastructure and operation disregard the health of communities with LNG plants releasing noxious chemicals that can be respiratory irritants, neurotoxins, and more. Gas pipelines, plants, and compressor stations are all disproportionately concentrated in communities of color and low-wealth communities and will encourage eminent domain land seizures.
How we are taking action
We have teamed up with partners throughout the state including Conservation Voters of South Carolina, Sierra Club, Coastal Conservation League and more to make sure that we are doing everything in our power to rally people around this issue. We have be doing our due diligence so that we can inform our communities of any new changes taht we hear of including new legislation, information, and events that are happening around the state.