Tour de Earth Day
Our annual Tour de Earth Day is a chance to take our sustainable education on the road, touring Charleston’s best eco-spots and organizations by bike. It is a great chance to learn about ways to get involved in the local eco-scape, from environmental justice, to food security, education, and more!
Climate Crisis Moment
Throwback to one of our first events, a rally to change our future, featuring a host of speakers and environmental organizations to call people to action. This event coincided with the first day of the Global Climate Strike, a strike in solidarity with the students striking for Fridays For Future.
Farm to Table: Sustainable Supper & Soirée
Food production and cultivation are a vital part of our environmental and personal health, which is why for our first ever fundraiser dinner we teamed up with local chefs and organic farms to highlight the importance of food systems in the fight for a livable climate.
Beachniks Love Folly
What better way to celebrate nature than out on Folly Beach? We wanted to bring together all of the environmentally-minded folks, eco-freaks, hippies, and beach bums for a fun event to gauge the community on their environmental concerns.
Mayoral Forum on Climate Action
As one of the most climate-vulnerable cities in the US, Charleston can’t afford to be on the sidelines of the climate crisis. CCC and our partners hosted the Mayoral Forum on Climate Action to allow a platform for mayoral candidates to elucidate their approach to climate action.
Rally for the Edisto and Against Gas Plants
We partnered with several of our favorite environmental orgs to put on a rally at Colleton County to bring light to and protest Dominion Energy’s plans for a new gas plant on the banks of the Edisto River
Surge Sessions
You can join us for our annual evening of short, impactful, and transformative climate stories and lessons from local experts. Delve into the central question of our time: will the Lowcountry rise to meet the climate crisis?
Give-me-Green Sustainable Fashion Show
A celebration of sustainable style and eco-friendly fashion fits. Our fashion show inspires guests with a deeper understanding of how climate and clothing connect