We are here to create compassionate communities that address the root causes of climate change.
About us
Charleston Climate Coalition (CCC) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit grassroots group of Lowcountry citizens working creatively and compassionately to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis. CCC works on many fronts to expand awareness, and as a coalition we create the connective tissues so that citizens, organizations, and elected officials can address the root causes of climate change.
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Help us fund climate action projects, educational opportunities, and pay dedicated staff. We are a small and growing organization - which means your donation can make a BIG difference. Whether it’s taking action, volunteering, or donating, you can help us build this organization and develop the climate action ecosystem that the Lowcountry so urgently needs.
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To keep up with the latest local climate policy information and ways that you can get involved, follow our social media, signup for our mailing list, or reach out.
Our Projects
Quarterly Surge Lowcountry Climate Magazine
Comprehensive Environmental Justice Community Profile to assess the unique hazards and vulnerabilities of communities on a case-by-case basis
Events for education and mobilization
Climate Action Plan Campaigns for every municipality in Charleston County
Green Business Alliance with restaurants, farms, green businesses, coffee shops, wellness groups, fashion retailers, social justice groups, etc.
And much, much more…